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Semiregular variables in the solar neighbourhood
Period-luminosity sequences have been shown to exist among thesemiregular variables (SRVs) in the Magellanic Clouds, the bulge of theMilky Way galaxy and elsewhere. Using modern-period and revisedHipparcos parallax data, this paper demonstrates that they also appearamong the M giant SRVs of the solar neighbourhood. Their distribution inthe K, logP diagram resembles that of Bulge stars more closely thanthose in the Magellanic Clouds. The prevalence of mass-loss among localM-type SRVs and its dependence on period and spectral subtype are alsodiscussed. K - [12], a measure of circumstellar dust emission, increasesclearly with V amplitude, M giant subtype and logP.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Infrared Colors and Variability of Evolved Stars from COBE DIRBE Data
For a complete 12 μm flux-limited sample of 207 IRAS sources(F12>=150 Jy, |b|>=5deg), the majority ofwhich are AGB stars (~87%), we have extracted light curves in seveninfrared bands between 1.25 and 60 μm using the database of theDiffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) instrument on the CosmicBackground Explorer (COBE) satellite. Using previous infrared surveys,we filtered these light curves to remove data points affected by nearbycompanions and obtained time-averaged flux densities and infraredcolors, as well as estimates of their variability at each wavelength. Inthe time-averaged DIRBE color-color plots, we find clear segregation ofsemiregulars, Mira variables, carbon stars, OH/IR stars, and red giantswithout circumstellar dust (i.e., V-[12]<5) and with little or novisual variation (ΔV<0.1 mag). The DIRBE 1.25-25 μm colorsbecome progressively redder and the variability in the DIRBE databaseincreases along the oxygen-rich sequence nondusty slightly varying redgiants-->SRb/Lb-->SRa-->Mira-->OH/IR and the carbon-richSRb/Lb-->Mira sequence. This supports previous assertions that theseare evolutionary sequences involving the continued production andejection of dust. The carbon stars are redder than their oxygen-richcounterparts for the same variability type, except in theF12/F25 ratio, where they are bluer. Of the 28sources in the sample not previous noted to be variable, 18 are clearlyvariable in the DIRBE data, with amplitudes of variation of ~0.9 mag at4.9 μm and ~0.6 mag at 12 μm, consistent with them being verydusty Mira-like variables. We also present individual DIRBE light curvesof a few selected stars. The DIRBE light curves of the semiregularvariable L2 Pup are particularly remarkable. The maxima at1.25, 2.2, and 3.5 μm occur 10-20 days before those at 4.9 and 12μm, and, at 4.9 and 12 μm, another maximum is seen between the twonear-infrared maxima.

Reprocessing the Hipparcos data of evolved stars. III. Revised Hipparcos period-luminosity relationship for galactic long-period variable stars
We analyze the K band luminosities of a sample of galactic long-periodvariables using parallaxes measured by the Hipparcos mission. Theparallaxes are in most cases re-computed from the Hipparcos IntermediateAstrometric Data using improved astrometric fits and chromaticitycorrections. The K band magnitudes are taken from the literature andfrom measurements by COBE, and are corrected for interstellar andcircumstellar extinction. The sample contains stars of several spectraltypes: M, S and C, and of several variability classes: Mira, semiregularSRa, and SRb. We find that the distribution of stars in theperiod-luminosity plane is independent of circumstellar chemistry, butthat the different variability types have different P-L distributions.Both the Mira variables and the SRb variables have reasonablywell-defined period-luminosity relationships, but with very differentslopes. The SRa variables are distributed between the two classes,suggesting that they are a mixture of Miras and SRb, rather than aseparate class of stars. New period-luminosity relationships are derivedbased on our revised Hipparcos parallaxes. The Miras show a similarperiod-luminosity relationship to that found for Large Magellanic CloudMiras by Feast et al. (\cite{Feast-1989:a}). The maximum absolute Kmagnitude of the sample is about -8.2 for both Miras and semi-regularstars, only slightly fainter than the expected AGB limit. We show thatthe stars with the longest periods (P>400 d) have high mass lossrates and are almost all Mira variables.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA \cite{Hipparcos}).Table \ref{Tab:data1} is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/403/993

On the Origin of Long Secondary Periods in Semiregular Variables
The presence of a long secondary period (LSP) in the light curves ofsome local semiregular variables has been known for many years.Furthermore, the LSPs have recently been found in the light curves ofapproximately 25% of the semiregular variables in the LMC. Theytypically have a length of ~500-4000 days, some 5-15 times longer thanthe primary period. Binarity, pulsation, periodic dust ejection, androtation have been suggested as the origin of the LSPs. Here we analyzeechelle spectra of a group of local semiregular variables with LSPs(hereafter LSPVs) in order to try to distinguish between thesesuggestions. In general, we find that LSPVs do not have broader spectralfeatures than semiregulars without a long secondary period (hereafternon-LSPVs). The general upper limit on the equatorial rotation velocityof 3 km s-1 rules out rotating spot and similar models. OneLSPV, V Hya, does have broader spectral lines than similar carbon stars,but it is shown here that rotation alone is not a good model forexplaining the broad lines. Mid-infrared colors of LSPs and non-LSPVsare similar and there are no LSPVs showing the large (60-25) μm IRAScolor exhibited by some R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. Thus, there isno evidence for periodic dust ejection from LSPVs. Finally, we find thatthe LSPVs show larger radial velocity variations than non-LSPVs, whichsuggests that LSPs are caused either by binarity or by pulsation. Asimilar conclusion was derived by Hinkle and co-workers.

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/397/997

Velocity variability of semiregular and irregular variables
We compare velocities from near infrared lines with center-of-massvelocities for a sample of semiregular and irregular variables to searchfor indications for a convective blueshift. It is shown that a generalblueshift is present but that the light variability is obviously notdominated by convective cells but rather by stellar pulsation. All starsof our sample show a similar shape and amplitude in the velocityvariations. Long secondary periods are a common feature in these objectsand strongly influence the measured velocity shifts. The star V366 Aqlis found to be the first SRV showing line doubling.

Mass loss rates of a sample of irregular and semiregular M-type AGB-variables
We have determined mass loss rates and gas expansion velocities for asample of 69 M-type irregular (IRV 22 objects) and semiregular (SRV; 47objects) AGB-variables using a radiative transfer code to model theircircumstellar CO radio line emission. We believe that this sample isrepresentative for the mass losing stars of this type. The (molecularhydrogen) mass loss rate distribution has a median value of 2.0 x10-7 Msun yr-1, and a minimum of 2.0 x10-8 Msun yr-1 and a maximum of 8 x10-7 Msun yr-1. M-type IRVs and SRVswith a mass loss rate in excess of 5 x 10-7 Msunyr-1 must be very rare, and among these mass losing stars thenumber of sources with mass loss rates below a few 10-8Msun yr-1 must be small. We find no significantdifference between the IRVs and the SRVs in terms of their mass losscharacteristics. Among the SRVs the mass loss rate shows no dependenceon the period. Likewise the mass loss rate shows no correlation with thestellar temperature. The gas expansion velocity distribution has amedian of 7.0 km s-1, and a minimum of 2.2 km s-1and a maximum of 14.4 km s-1. No doubt, these objects samplethe low gas expansion velocity end of AGB winds. The fraction of objectswith low gas expansion velocities is very high, about 30% havevelocities lower than 5 km s-1, and there are objects withvelocities lower than 3 km s-1: V584 Aql,T Ari, BI Car, RXLac, and L2 Pup. The mass loss rate and thegas expansion velocity correlate well, a result in line with theoreticalpredictions for an optically thin, dust-driven wind. In general, themodel produces line profiles which acceptably fit the observed ones. Anexceptional case is R Dor, where the high-quality,observed line profiles are essentially flat-topped, while the model onesare sharply double-peaked. The sample contains four sources withdistinctly double-component CO line profiles, i.e., a narrow featurecentered on a broader feature: EP Aqr, RVBoo, X Her, and SV Psc.We have modelled the two components separately for each star and derivemass loss rates and gas expansion velocities. We have compared theresults of this M-star sample with a similar C-star sample analysed inthe same way. The mass loss rate characteristics are very similar forthe two samples. On the contrary, the gas expansion velocitydistributions are clearly different. In particular, the number oflow-velocity sources is much higher in the M-star sample. We found noexample of the sharply double-peaked CO line profile, which is evidenceof a large, detached CO-shell, among the M-stars. About 10% of theC-stars show this phenomenon.

Long period variable stars: galactic populations and infrared luminosity calibrations
In this paper HIPPARCOS astrometric and kinematic data are used tocalibrate both infrared luminosities and kinematical parameters of LongPeriod Variable stars (LPVs). Individual absolute K and IRAS 12 and 25luminosities of 800 LPVs are determined and made available in electronicform. The estimated mean kinematics is analyzed in terms of galacticpopulations. LPVs are found to belong to galactic populations rangingfrom the thin disk to the extended disk. An age range and a lower limitof the initial mass is given for stars of each population. A differenceof 1.3 mag in K for the upper limit of the Asymptotic Giant Branch isfound between the disk and old disk galactic populations, confirming itsdependence on the mass in the main sequence. LPVs with a thin envelopeare distinguished using the estimated mean IRAS luminosities. The levelof attraction (in the classification sense) of each group for the usualclassifying parameters of LPVs (variability and spectral types) isexamined. Table only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/374/968 or via ASTRIDdatabase (http://astrid.graal.univ-montp2.fr).

Periods of 25 Pulsating Red Giants
We report periods and amplitudes of 25 pulsating red giants: T Cet, EGAnd, AK Hya, TV UMa, GK Com, SW Vir, FH Vir, EV Vir, tau-4 Ser, AZ Dra,V973 Cyg, V1070 Cyg, and also HR 211, 284, 648, 2286, 2999, 3521, 4267,4483, 5331, 5352, 6543, 6815, and 7009, determined from AmericanAssociation of Variable Stars (AAVSO) photoelectric photometry over upto 5800 days.

Stars with the Largest Hipparcos Photometric Amplitudes
A list of the 2027 stars that have the largest photometric amplitudes inHipparcos Photometry shows that most variable stars are all Miras. Thepercentage of variable types change as a function of amplitude. Thiscompilation should also be of value to photometrists looking forrelatively unstudied, but large amplitude stars.

On the Variability of K5-M Stars
I investigate the Hipparcos Satellite photometry of K5-M stars to seethe pattern of activity of these stars. A few stars for which furtherstudy is desirable are identified.

Period-Luminosity-Colour distribution and classification of Galactic oxygen-rich LPVs. I. Luminosity calibrations
The absolute K magnitudes and kinematic parameters of about 350oxygen-rich Long-Period Variable stars are calibrated, by means of anup-to-date maximum-likelihood method, using Hipparcos parallaxes andproper motions together with radial velocities and, as additional data,periods and V-K colour indices. Four groups, differing by theirkinematics and mean magnitudes, are found. For each of them, we alsoobtain the distributions of magnitude, period and de-reddened colour ofthe base population, as well as de-biased period-luminosity-colourrelations and their two-dimensional projections. The SRa semiregulars donot seem to constitute a separate class of LPVs. The SRb appear tobelong to two populations of different ages. In a PL diagram, theyconstitute two evolutionary sequences towards the Mira stage. The Mirasof the disk appear to pulsate on a lower-order mode. The slopes of theirde-biased PL and PC relations are found to be very different from theones of the Oxygen Miras of the LMC. This suggests that a significantnumber of so-called Miras of the LMC are misclassified. This alsosuggests that the Miras of the LMC do not constitute a homogeneousgroup, but include a significant proportion of metal-deficient stars,suggesting a relatively smooth star formation history. As a consequence,one may not trivially transpose the LMC period-luminosity relation fromone galaxy to the other Based on data from the Hipparcos astrometrysatellite. Appendix B is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

A search for Technetium in semiregular variables
We searched for the lines of Tc in the spectra of Semiregular variables(SRVs) in the wavelength region from 4180 to 4300 Å using highresolution spectroscopy. Tc as an s-process element is produced on thethermally pulsing AGB and is therefore a good indicator for theevolutionary status of Semiregular variables. Combining our results withprevious investigations we get a database large enough for a statisticalstudy. Tc is not found in SRVs with periods below 100 days, spectraltypes earlier than M5 and photospheric IRAS colours. These objects are`blue' SRVs in the classification system of Kerschbaum & Hron(\cite{KH94}). Among the `red' SRVs (periods longer than 100 days) thefraction of stars showing Tc in their spectra is about 15 % with aprobably lower fraction among the stars with periods above 150 days.This is significantly lower than for the typical Miras. Taking intoaccount the probable conditions for the occurence of the third dredge-upand the expected behavior of the Tc abundance along an evolutionarytrack on the AGB, our results support an evolutionary scenario from`blue' SRVs (early AGB) to `red' SRVs (early TP-AGB) and on to longperiod Miras. Only the most massive (masses above 2M_ȯ) stars showTc during the SRV stage. The luminosities of the Tc-rich SRVs and Mirasare compatible with theoretical estimates of the minimum core massrequired for the third dredge-up. Based on observations collected at theEuropean Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile (ESO No.54.E-0350), theGerman Spanish Astronomical Centre, Calar Alto, operated by theMax-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, jointly with the SpanishNational Commission for Astronomy, and Kitt Peak National Observatory,USA.

Oxygen-rich semiregular and irregular variables. A catalogue of circumstellar CO observations
Using the SEST, the Onsala 20 m telescope, the JCMT, and the IRAM 30 mtelescope we have carried out a survey of circumstellar CO(J=1-0, 2-1,3-2, and 4-3) emission on a large sample of oxygen-rich semiregular (SRaand SRb) and irregular variables (Lb). A total of 109 stars wereobserved in at least one CO line: 66 were shown to have circumstellar COline emission (7 SRa, 36 SRb, and 23 Lb variables), ~ 60% of thesemiregulars and all but one of the irregulars were detected for thefirst time. Most stars were observed in at least two transitions. Thereis a total of 138 detected CO lines. For twelve stars stronginterference from interstellar CO emission precluded detection. Wepresent here a catalogue of all observational data and the spectra ofall detections, as well as brief discussions on detection statistics(including its dependence on variability type, period, IRAS-colour, IRASLRS-class, and M-subclass), line profiles (including line shapeasymmetry, multi-component line shapes, and line intensity ratios), gasexpansion velocity distributions, and correlations between CO line andIR continuum fluxes (including implications for the mass-lossmechanism). Based on observations collected using at the EuropeanSouthern Observatory, La Silla, Chile, the Onsala Space Observatory,Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sweden, the James Clerk MaxwellTelescope, Hawaii and the IRAM 30~m telescope, Pico Veleta, Spain.

SiO rotation-vibration bands in cool giants II. The behaviour of SiO bands in AGB stars
The first overtone rotation-vibration transitions of SiO give rise toprominent bandheads in the wavelength range between 4.0 and 4.5 mu m. Inorder to study the behaviour of these features in AGB stars we observedthe 3.94 to 4.12 mu m spectra for a sample of 23 oxygen-rich late-typevariables. In contrast to the SRb objects, the Miras show a very largescatter of the equivalent widths of the SiO bands. Despite their cooltemperatures some of them have only weak or no SiO absorption, whichseems to be related to their strong pulsations producing a largevariability of the features. When comparing the band intensities withphotometric data, we found a general decrease with bluer IRAS (12-25)colors. However, this trend may only reflect the different behaviour ofthe Miras and SRb stars in our sample. We did not discover anycorrelation of the equivalent widths with the effective temperaturesderived from (J-K), or with the (K-12) color and the IRAS-LRS class,both of which can be regarded as a rough measure for the thickness ofthe circumstellar shell. In Paper I of this series (Aringer et al.\cite{siop}) we have shown that synthetic spectra calculated fromhydrostatic MARCS atmospheres are successful in reproducing the observedband intensities of giants with spectral types earlier than about M5 IIIand M2 II\@. However, they generally predict too strong features forvery cool and extended objects, as they are discussed in this work. Andthey fail completely when it comes to Miras with weak or no SiOabsorption. These stars are dominated by dynamical phenomena and, notsurprisingly, they can therefore not be described by hydrostaticstructures. Thus, we have also computed synthetic spectra based onexperimental dynamical models. Although they still have someshortcomings, we demonstrate that, in principle, they are able toexplain the whole range of equivalent widths of the observed SiObandheads and their variations. Based on observations made at theEuropean Southern Observatory (ESO), La Silla (Chile)}

The Infrared Spectral Classification of Oxygen-rich Dust Shells
This paper presents infrared spectral classifications for a flux-limitedsample of 635 optically identified oxygen-rich variables includingsupergiants and sources on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). Severalclasses of spectra from oxygen-rich dust exist, and these can bearranged in a smoothly varying sequence of spectral shapes known as thesilicate dust sequence. Classification based on this sequence revealsseveral dependencies of the dust emission on the properties of thecentral star. Nearly all S stars show broad emission features fromalumina dust, while most of the supergiants exhibit classic featuresfrom amorphous silicate dust. Mira variables with symmetric light curvesgenerally show broad alumina emission, while those with more asymmetriclight curves show classic silicate emission. These differences may arisefrom differences in the photospheric C/O ratio.

Stellar radii of M giants
We determine the stellar radii of the M giant stars in the Hipparcoscatalogue that have a parallax measured to better than 20% accuracy.This is done with the help of a relation between a visual surfacebrightness parameter and the Cousins (V - I) colour index, which wecalibrate with M giants with published angular diameters.The radii of(non-Mira) M giants increase from a median value of 50 R_Sun at spectraltype M0 III to 170 R_Sun at M7/8 III. Typical intermediate giant radiiare 65 R_Sun for M1/M2, 90 R_Sun for M3, 100 R_Sun for M4, 120 R_Sun forM5 and 150 R_Sun for M6. There is a large intrinsic spread for a givenspectral type. This variance in stellar radius increases with latertypes but in relative terms, it remains constant.We determineluminosities and, from evolutionary tracks, stellar masses for oursample stars. The M giants in the solar neighbourhood have masses in therange 0.8-4 M_Sun. For a given spectral type, there is a close relationbetween stellar radius and stellar mass. We also find a linear relationbetween the mass and radius of non-variable M giants. With increasingamplitude of variability we have larger stellar radii for a given mass.

Circumstellar Shells of the Mass-Losing Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: Limits for the Dust-Driven Winds
We investigated whether the radiation pressure on dust grains alone mayaccount for driving winds in semiregular, irregular and non-variable AGBstars. A simple theoretical model is employed to calculate the limitsfor the radiatively driven winds and to compare theoretical predictionswith observations. Present analysis indicates, that for most of theobjects in the studied sample of 67 oxygen-rich and 40 carbon-richmass-losing AGB stars radiation pressure on dust grains alone is noteffective enough to drive the observed circumstellar outflows.

Classification and Identification of IRAS Sources with Low-Resolution Spectra
IRAS low-resolution spectra were extracted for 11,224 IRAS sources.These spectra were classified into astrophysical classes, based on thepresence of emission and absorption features and on the shape of thecontinuum. Counterparts of these IRAS sources in existing optical andinfrared catalogs are identified, and their optical spectral types arelisted if they are known. The correlations between thephotospheric/optical and circumstellar/infrared classification arediscussed.

A Renewed Search for Water Maser Emission from Mira Variables.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....114.1602L&db_key=AST

Semiregular variables of types SRa and SRb. Silicate dust emission features.
We have analysed the IRAS-LRS spectra of representative samples ofO-rich Semiregular (SR) variables of types SRa and SRb and of Miravariables. The silicate features were extracted by fitting the energydistribution with two blackbodies, approximating the continuous emissionfrom the photosphere and the circumstellar dust. The shape and strengthof the silicate features in the LRS range were then studied by computingthe residual fluxes in 5 selected wavelength regions covering the whole10μm and 18μm features and parts of the 10μm feature assignedto emission from olivine and possibly corundum. We compare our approachwith previous investigations and argue that a quantitative study ofdetails in the feature shape requires subtraction of the stellar and thedust continuum and the use of flux ratios rather than a discreteclassification system. The Miras form an extension of the SRb's towardslower stellar temperatures and higher dust shell opacities and they haveslightly higher average dust temperatures. The SRa's seem to be moresimilar to the Miras in their dust shell properties. The average 10μmfeature shapes of the three groups of variables agree, but taking intoaccount the photospheric and dust shell parameters, systematicdifferences show up. For stars hotter than about 2900K, the 10μmfeature width shows a wide range of values but no clear trend with thestellar temperature or the optical depth of the dust shell. These starsare generally SRb variables and have the thinnest dust envelopes. Atcooler stellar temperatures, where mostly Miras are found, the opticaldepth of the dust shell determines the feature width in the sense thatthicker shells have narrower features. It appears that the 13μmfeature is obvious only in a narrow range of effective temperature andoptical depth of the dust shell. We discuss our results in terms ofradiative transfer effects, differences in the average grain size,annealing and hydration of amorphous silicates and contributions fromother dust components. Of these possibilities the last one seems to bemost plausible with regard to the behavior of the 10μm feature width.The observations can be interpreted in terms of changing contributionsfrom olivine and corundum possibly caused by an increasing amount ofdust processing (Miras) and the influence of the atmospheric structureon the formation of these dust components (SRb's).

Semiregular variables of types SRa and SRb. Circumstellar CO emission of an oxygen-rich sample.
O-rich Semiregular Variables (SRVs) of types SRa and SRb have beenobserved in the ^12^CO(J=1-0) and (J=2-1) lines using the SEST, LaSilla, Chile, and the 20-m telescope at Onsala, Sweden. In total 22detections (13 are new ones) and 1 tentative detection can be reportedamong the 48 stars observed. In 7 cases detections are precluded becauseof strong interference from interstellar CO emission. The majority ofthe detected objects, covering both small and longer periods, are weakin CO, i.e. they are low mass-loss rate objects(<=10^-7^Msun_/yr), and have, with only a few exceptions,envelopes with small expansion velocities (the mean value is =~8km/s).However, in this respect their properties are very similar to those ofbright O-rich Mira variables, whose pulsational periods are on theaverage 2-3 times higher. A comparison between stellar and circumstellarproperties shows that the gas expansion velocity does not depend on thestellar effective temperature, nor on the period. Likewise, we find nocorrelation between mass-loss rate and period, but there might be a weakdependence of the former on the stellar effective temperature.

Small Amplitude Red Variables in the AAVSO Photoelectric Program: Light Curves and Periods
Small-amplitude red variables (SARVs) are M giants or supergiants whichare pulsating with small amplitudes (up to 2.5 mag) and with time scalesof 20 to 200 days or more. This paper reports on a ten-year study ofabout two dozen SARVs, carried out through the American Association ofVariable Star Observers (AAVSO) photoelectric photometry program. It hasprovided detailed information on the regularity, period and amplitude ofthese stars. Most have well-defined periods in the 20 to 200 day range.Several also have a long secondary period. One (W Boo) appears to havetwo periods with a ratio of 2.3. (SECTION: Stars)

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Mainline OH detection rates from blue circumstellar shells.
We identified 240 accessible circumstellar shells with water and/or SiOmasers, and used the Arecibo and Nancay radio telescopes to search formainline OH emission from them. Our targets are often Mira variableswithout previously known mainline masers. This search results in 89detections, of which 77 are new. The probability of detecting a maser islarger once a water maser is known, and becomes progressively larger thethicker and redder the shell. Nevertheless, almost all of our examplesof solitary 1665MHz masers, rather than the joint occurrence of both1665 and 1667MHz masers, are in the bluest shells. The IRAS lowresolution spectral type is the strongest factor correlating with themainline detection rate. We find that 67% of objects with a silicateemission feature exhibit masers, whereas only 27% of objects with acomparatively featureless 1n type do. These rates are colourinsensitive. We ascribe this clearcut difference to differing UVextinction properties of the two grain types, which is likely to resultfrom differing grain-size distributions. The IR colour sensitivity ofthe overall mainline detection rate is thus almost entirely anincidental artifact of the changing proportion of the two grain typeswith colour. Inferentially, since 90% of the sample exhibit watermasers, and the proportion of blue sources with silicate features issubstantially larger than an unbiased selection from the IRAS PointSource Catalog would give, the incidence of water masers is similarlysensitive to spectral type.

Circumstellar dust envelopes of oxygen-rich AGB stars.
Using IRAS observational data, the best-fitting models are searched foroxygen-rich AGB stars in various evolutionary stages from opticallyvisible red giant stars to OH/IR stars with heavy mass loss. The modelinfrared spectral energy distributions of the red giant stars withcircumstellar dust envelopes are calculated with the use of a radiativetransfer code. It is found that the oxygen-rich IRAS AGB starssurrounded by circumstellar dust envelopes are divided into threegroups, which can be clearly distinguished by their mass loss rate andthe grain temperature at the inner boundary of the circumstellar dustenvelopes. One group corresponds to Mira type objects with a moderatemass loss rate and a grain formation temperature of about 500 K, thesecond to OH/IR star type objects with a large mass loss rate and a highgrain formation temperature, and the third to M stars with a very coldgrain temperature at the inner boundary, indicating that the moderatemass loss stopped a considerable time ago in these objects. The highergrain formation temperature of the OH/IR star type objects indicates agrain formation point closer to the stellar surface, suggesting aneffective acceleration of dust grains by radiation pressure. Such aneffective acceleration can play an important role in the mass lossphenomena of OH/IR stars with large mass loss rates. From the modelfitting results, it is suggested that an AGB star undergoes severaldozen phases of moderate mass loss of˙(M)~10^-7^-10^-6^Msun_/yr for a period of10^3^-10^4^years with interruptions of 10^3^-10^4^years during theordinary Mira variable phase before becoming an OH/IR star with a massloss rate exceeding 10^-5^Msun_/yr and a lifetime of about10^3^-10^4^years.

Semiregular variables of types SRa and SRb. New JHKL'M-photometry for 200 stars.
This paper presents new JHKL'M observations of 200 Semiregular variables(SRVs) of types SRa and SRb. The sample was defined in Kerschbaum &Hron (1992a, Paper I) by means of a certain limit in bolometricalmagnitude. From the sample of 350 objects, 260 now have near infrared(NIR) photometry - for 60 of these stars data from the literature areused. In total 290 datasets are available because of some multipleobservations. We briefly compare the photometry obtained at differentobservatories. Small but significant differences are found. A firstanalysis of the photometry supports one of the main findings of Paper I.The, in many aspects inhomogeneous, O-rich semiregular variables oftypes SRa and SRb can be successfully split in two subgroups called the`blue' and `red'/`Mira' SRVs. A separation of the `red' SRVs fromintrinsic Miras additionally requires variability information.

86 GHz SiO, v=1, J=2--> 1 survey of southern IRAS point sources. II. Detection of 74 new maser sources
The detection of 74 new southern stellar SiO, v=1, J=2->1 masersassociated with IRAS point sources is reported. 57 of these were foundin an IRAS based survey of oxygen rich stellar envelopes. The detectionrate in this survey was 45%. 17 further new maser sources were detectedduring a search for strong pointing sources for the Swedish-ESOSubmillimeter Telescope (SEST). The distribution of the IRAS lowresolution spectral (LRS) classes of all the SiO masers (this paper andliterature) peaks sharply at class 15. The distribution of the LRSclasses of the maser sources from 21 to 29 is similar to thedistribution of these classes of all the point sources in the pointsource catalogue except for class 25. Only few maser sources of thisspectral class are known. This is possibly explained by a selectioneffect.

Circumstellar shells resolved in the IRAS survey data. I - Data processing procedure, results, and confidence tests
We have examined the IRAS 60 and 100 micron survey data covering 512evolved stars and young planetary nebulae for evidence of spatiallyresolved structure. A simple model, consisting of a central unresolvedsource surrounded by a resolved isothermal shell, was fitted to the datafor each star. Seventy-six stars were found to be resolved in the 60micron data. Tests have been performed to verify that the extendedstructure seen is not an artifact of the data-processing algorithm.

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다음 그룹에 속해있음:

관측 및 측정 데이터

거리:195.312 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:1.6
적위상의 고유운동:-151.7
B-T magnitude:8.406
V-T magnitude:6.846

일반명   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 73844
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6015-2511-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-09460050
HIPHIP 42502

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