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δ Mon (Kartajan)



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Near-Infrared Water Lines in V838 Monocerotis
V838 Monocerotis had an intriguing, nova-like outburst in 2002 Januarythat has subsequently led to several studies of the object. It is nowrecognized that the outburst of V838 Mon and its evolution are differentfrom those of a classical nova or other classes of well-known eruptivevariables. V838 Mon, along with two other objects that have analogousproperties, appears to make up a new class of eruptive variables. Thereare limited infrared studies of V838 Mon. Here we present near-infraredH-band (1.5-1.75 μm) spectra of V838 Mon from late 2002 to the end of2004. The principal new result from our work is the detection of severalrotation-vibration lines of water in the H-band spectra. The observedwater lines have been modeled to first establish that they are indeeddue to water. Subsequently the temperature and column densities of theabsorbing material, from where the water absorption features originate,are derived. From our analysis, we find that the water features arisefrom a cool, ~750-900 K, region around V838 Mon that appears to begradually cooling with time.

Aus der Sektion Eruptive: ein wundersamer neuer Stern im Einhorn: GSC 4822-39.
Not Available

Near infra-red spectroscopy of V838 Monocerotis
Near-IR, multi-epoch, spectroscopic and photometric observations of theenigmatic, eruptive variable V838 Mon in the JHK bands are reported. Oneof the unusual features of the spectra is the detection of severalstrong neutral TiI lines in emission in the K band. From the strength ofthese lines, the mass of the ejected envelope is estimated to be in therange 10-7 to 10-5 Msolar. The spectraalso show the strong presence of the first and second overtone12CO bands seen in the K and H bands. The CO bands show acomplex evolution. Deep water bands at 1.4 μm and 1.9 μm are alsoseen later in the object's evolution. Blackbody fits to the JHKphotometric data show that V838 Mon has evolved to temperatures between2400-2600 K by ~130 days after outburst. The spectra at this stage havethe general characteristics of a very cool M giant.

Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

K-Band Spectroscopy of Luminous Young Stellar Objects
We present spectroscopy from 2.0 to 2.33 μm of 32 luminous youngstellar objects (YSOs), which are presumed to be precursors of HerbigAe/Be stars. From these stars, Brγ, H2, CO, He I, andFe II were found in emission with detection rates of 97%, 34%, 22%, 9%,and 3%, respectively. We compare the spectral features with those ofHerbig Ae/Be stars in the literature to investigate the spectralbehavior of intermediate- to high-mass YSOs and to search for theirrelations to the spectral energy distributions (SEDs). H2emission is detected only in Class I SEDs with particularly largespectral indices. The detection of H2 emission is related tothe degree of the dispersal of circumstellar envelopes, whereH2 molecules are probably excited by shocks from outflows. Onthe other hand, Brγ emission, which is generally thought to occurin stellar winds close to the stars, does not depend on the SEDs. Thisindicates that stellar wind from luminous YSOs does not change much fromthe embedded phase to the optically visible phase. CO emission is alsoindependent of the SEDs, but the detection rate is much lower than thatof Brγ emission. Probably, more specific physical conditionsregarding circumstellar disks and stellar radiation are necessary for COemission to take place.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

Research Note Hipparcos photometry: The least variable stars
The data known as the Hipparcos Photometry obtained with the Hipparcossatellite have been investigated to find those stars which are leastvariable. Such stars are excellent candidates to serve as standards forphotometric systems. Their spectral types suggest in which parts of theHR diagrams stars are most constant. In some cases these values stronglyindicate that previous ground based studies claiming photometricvariability are incorrect or that the level of stellar activity haschanged. Table 2 is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/367/297

The proper motions of fundamental stars. I. 1535 stars from the Basic FK5
A direct combination of the positions given in the HIPPARCOS cataloguewith astrometric ground-based catalogues having epochs later than 1939allows us to obtain new proper motions for the 1535 stars of the BasicFK5. The results are presented as the catalogue Proper Motions ofFundamental Stars (PMFS), Part I. The median precision of the propermotions is 0.5 mas/year for mu alpha cos delta and 0.7mas/year for mu delta . The non-linear motions of thephotocentres of a few hundred astrometric binaries are separated intotheir linear and elliptic motions. Since the PMFS proper motions do notinclude the information given by the proper motions from othercatalogues (HIPPARCOS, FK5, FK6, etc.) this catalogue can be used as anindependent source of the proper motions of the fundamental stars.Catalogue (Table 3) is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strastg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/365/222

An extensive Delta a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars
Photoelectric photometry of 803 southern BS objects in the Deltaa-system as detection tool for magnetic chemically peculiar (=CP2) starshas been carried out and compared to published spectral types. Thestatistical yield of such objects detected by both techniques ispractically the same. We show that there are several factors whichcontaminate the search for these stars, but this contamination is onlyof the order of 10% in both techniques. We find a smooth transition fromnormal to peculiar stars. Our sample exhibits the largest fraction ofCP2 stars at their bluest colour interval, i.e. 10% of all stars in thecolour range -0.19 <= B-V < -0.10 or -0.10 <= b-y < -0.05.No peculiar stars based on the Delta a-criterion were found at bluercolours. Towards the red side the fraction of CP2 stars drops to about3% for positive values of B-V or b-y with red limits roughlycorresponding to normal stars of spectral type A5. The photometricbehaviour of other peculiar stars: Am, HgMn, delta Del, lambda Boo, Heabnormal stars, as well as Be/shell stars and supergiants shows someslight, but definite deviations from normal stars. Spectroscopic andvisual binaries are not distinguished from normal stars in their Delta abehaviour. The results of this work justify larger statistical work(e.g. in open clusters) employing more time-saving photometric methods(CCD). \newpage Based on observations obtained at the European SouthernObservatory, La Silla, Chile. This research has made use of the Simbaddatabase, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Table 2 is only availablein electronic form via anonymous ftp orhttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

The Tokyo PMC catalog 90-93: Catalog of positions of 6649 stars observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo photoelectric meridian circle
The sixth annual catalog of the Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle(PMC) is presented for 6649 stars which were observed at least two timesin January 1990 through March 1993. The mean positions of the starsobserved are given in the catalog at the corresponding mean epochs ofobservations of individual stars. The coordinates of the catalog arebased on the FK5 system, and referred to the equinox and equator ofJ2000.0. The mean local deviations of the observed positions from theFK5 catalog positions are constructed for the basic FK5 stars to comparewith those of the Tokyo PMC Catalog 89 and preliminary Hipparcos resultsof H30.

The Angular Momentum of Main Sequence Stars and Its Relation to Stellar Activity
Rotational velocities are reported for intermediate-mass main sequencestars it the field. The measurements are based on new, high S/N CCDspectra from the Coudé Feed Telescope of the Kitt Peak NationalObservatory. We analyze these rotation rates for a dependence on bothmass and age. We compare the average rotation speeds of the field starswith mean velocities for young stars in Orion, the Alpha Persei cluster,the Pleiades, and the Hyades. The average rotation speeds of stars moremassive than $\sim1.6$ \msun\experience little or no change during theevolutionary lifetimes of these stars on the zero age main sequence orwithin the main sequence band. Less massive stars in the range betwee n1.6\msun\ and 1.3\msun\ also show little decline in mean rotation ratewhile they are on the main sequence, and at most a factor of 2 decreasein velocity as they evolve off the main sequence. The {\it e}-foldingtime for the loss of angular momentum b y the latter group of stars isat least 1--2 billion years. This inferred characteristic time scale forspindown is far longer than the established rotational braking time forsolar-type stars with masses below $\sim1.3$ \msun. We conclude from acomparison of the trends in rotation with trends in chromospheric andcoronal activity that the overall decline in mean rotation speed alongthe main sequence, from $\sim2$ \msun\ down to $\sim1.3$ \msun, isimposed during the pre-main sequence phase of evolution, and that thispattern changes little thereafter while the star resides on the mainsequence. The magnetic activity implicated in the rotational spindown ofthe Sun and of similar stars during their main sequence lifetimes mus ttherefore play only a minor role in determining the rotation rates ofthe intermediate mass stars, either because a solar-like dynamo is weakor absent, or else the geometry of the magnetic field is appreciablyless effective in removing angular momentu m from these stars. (SECTION:Stars)

Systematic Errors in the FK5 Catalog as Derived from CCD Observations in the Extragalactic Reference Frame.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....114..850S&db_key=AST

Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Highly Reddened Stars in the Galactic Plane
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112..235I&db_key=AST

The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..135A&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

The second Quito astrolabe catalogue
The paper contains 515 individual corrections {DELTA}α and 235corrections {DELTA}δ to FK5 and FK5Supp. stars and 50 correctionsto their proper motions computed from observations made with theclassical Danjon astrolabe OPL-13 at Quito Astronomical Observatory ofEcuador National Polytechnical School during a period from 1964 to 1983.These corrections cover the declination zone from -30deg to +30deg. Meanprobable errors of catalogue positions are 0.047" in αcosδand 0.054" in δ. The systematic trends of the catalogue{DELTA}αalpha_cosδ,{DELTA}αdelta_cosδ,{DELTA}δalpha_, {DELTA}δdelta_ arepresented for the observed zone.

Optical Polarization of 1000 Stars Within 50-PARSECS from the Sun
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993A&AS..101..551L&db_key=AST

A Polarimetric Investigation on Interstellar Dust Within 50-PARSECS from the Sun
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993A&A...274..203L&db_key=AST

Corrections to the right ascension to be applied to the apparent places of 1217 stars given in "The Chinese Astronomical Almanach" for the year 1984 to 1992.
Not Available

Santiago Fundamental Catalogue - A catalogue of 1105 FK5 stars (equinox J2000.0)
The positions in right ascension and declination of 1105 FK5 stars,observed with a Meridian Circle during the period 1979 to 1991, aregiven. The average mean square error of a position, for the wholecatalog, is +/- 0.009 s in right ascension and +/- 0.10 arcsec indeclination. The mean epoch of the catalog is 1983.148.

Secondary spectrophotometric standards
Energy distribution data on 238 secondary standard stars are presentedin the range 3200-7600 A with 50 A step. These stars are common to theCatalog of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute and the FessenkovAstrophysical Institute. For these stars, the differences betweenspectral energy distribution data of the two catalogs do not exceed 5percent, while the mean internal accuracy of both catalogs data in thisrange are about 3.5 percent. For 99 stars energy distribution data inthe near infrared (6000-10,800 A) obtained at the Sternberg StateAstronomical Institute are also presented.

Physical data of the fundamental stars.
Not Available

Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 NM - 900 NM derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry
Petford et al. (1988) have reported measured integrated fluxes for 216stars with a wide spread of spectral type and luminosity, and mentionedthat a cubic-spline integration over the relevant Johnson 13-colormagnitudes, converted to fluxes using Johnson's calibration, is inexcellent agreement with those measurements. In this paper a list of thefluxes derived in this way, corrected for a small dependence on B-V, isgiven for all the 1215 stars in Johnson's 1975 catalog with completeentries.

The early A type stars - Refined MK classification, confrontation with Stroemgren photometry, and the effects of rotation
The MK classification system for the early A-type stars is refined, anda parallel system of standards for the broad-lined stars is introduced.With this improved system, stars may be classified with significantlygreater precision than before. It is shown that spectral types in thissystem are not systematically affected by rotational line broadening. Atotal of 372 early A-type stars are classified, and a confrontation ofthese spectral types with Stroemgren photometry reveals a number ofsystematic photometric effects of rotation. In particular, high v sin istars are systematically redder than low v sin i stars of the samespectral type, and the beta index is weakened by rotation. It isconcluded that precise spectral classification in conjunction withStroemgren and H-beta photometry can potentially provide a valuablecheck and input to the theory of the atmospheres of rotating stars.

Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system.
Not Available

The flux distribution of VEGA for the wavelength region from 10 to 100 microns, and the calibration of IRAS at 12 microns and 25 microns
Vega (Alpha Lyr, BS 7001, spectral A0Va) is a primary stellar standard.Since it does not behave in the expected manner in the infraredwavelength region, a knowledge of its flux distribution in this regionhas become of special interest. The present paper is concerned with aninvestigation of the 12 micron (IRAS band 1) and 25 micron (IRAS band 2)fluxes from Vega, taking into account released IRAS point source surveydata and an explanatory supplement. Data of spectral type versus V-Ncolor are listed in a table. Survey stars for a spectral type comparisonwith Vega are considered along with fluxes for Sirius. There is somedisagreement with respect to the examined data. Two possible conclusionsare discussed. One is that for some reason a survey comparison of 30A0type stars is inaccurate. In this case, the Sirius comparison agreeswith Vega being in excess. The other conclusion is that Vega is notanomalous in V-N and does not have a 12 micron excess.

UBV Photometry of Equatorial Stars
Not Available

Further Observations of the Central Star in the Planetary Nebula NGC 2346
Not Available

Study of the variability of the Delta Scuti-stars. III - Radial and nonradial pulsations in KW 207
Photoelectric observations of the Delta Scuti star KW 207 (HD 73576) arepresented. Despite low variations, the analysis of the light curve showsat least two significant periodicities, which appear to be related tononradial pulsations. It is pointed out that the high rotationalvelocity of KW 207 weakens the hypothesis that among giants thevariables have considerably lower rotational velocities than constantstars.

Secondary standards for BVRI photometry
A thorough test of Fernie's instrumentation system for matching theJohnson BVRI photometric system has been made. From 1,526 observationsof 186 stars in the Arizona-Tonantzintla Catalogue, there were foundexcellent transformations, except for a slight curvature in the (B-V)transformation, which is easily removed, and a difficulty in (R-I) forhighly reddened stars. Photometric values and their uncertainties aregiven for all the stars, and these are of sufficient quality to serve assecondary standards in BVRI for small- to moderate-size telescopes(1-m).

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Посматрања и Астрометриски подаци

Apparent магнитуда:4.15
Даљина:114.943 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-0.6
Proper motion Dec:6.3
B-T magnitude:4.134
V-T magnitude:4.136

Каталог и designations:
Proper именаKartajan
Bayerδ Mon
Flamsteed22 Mon
HD 1989HD 55185
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4815-3816-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-04203444
BSC 1991HR 2714
HIPHIP 34769

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